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St. Catherine Laboure K of C
Council 12811
SK BIll Logan's grandson, Billy Logan the Third was named student of the month for Dec.& Jan. This is not easy goal to attain. Billy is a student at Swatara Junior High School and he has been on the school honor roll for the past three months. Congratulations from your friends at the Knights of Columbus, Billy. Keep up the good work.
Anthony Cole at his Eagle Scout Award Project, Stations of the Cross. Anthony is the son of Brother Knight Tony Cole and his wife Maggie.
Both Tony and Maggie are quite active in Parish functions.
We are proud to have supported Anthony's project.
By clicking on the photo you can enlarge it.
Cindy Bowman Condor, an RN in the emergency room at Good Samaritan Hospital (GSH) in Lebanon, recently accepted the Corporate Partner Award from the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) for the ER of the hospital. The award was given to recognize the Sexual Assault Forensics Examiner (SAFE) nurse program.
The mission of the SAFE nurse program is to provide special care to sexual assualt victims. Volunteers undergo hours of training to become a GSH SAFE nurse.
Cindy organized and presented speaking engagements to community organizations to educate the public about the role of the SAFE nurses program at GSH. She also appreared on the TV show "Comcast Newsmakers".
One of her speaking engagements was at the Knights of Columbus, St. Paul's Parish in Annville, which resulted in a pledge from the Council toward the purchase of a colposcope, which enhances diagnostics and forensic gatherins abilities. Ten staff nurse volunteered to take the required training to become certified SAFE nurses.
Cindy is the daughter-in-law of Gil and Rose Condor.
Council 12811 extends both thanks and congratulations to Cindy for her outstanding service to women and the entire community.